Search events tracking with Google Analytics

Get insights about the user behavior with the search bars via Google Analytics integration. This will help you fine-tune the search configuration according to your user base needs.
Integration is only a click of a button, simple as that. Events tracking allows you to follow:
- Search input clicks
- Live search start and end
- Magnifier and Return button clicks
- Faceted search facet changes
- Clicks on results
Highly customizable Analytics Tracker
For most cases the default options will do, but you can still change each event property as you need it – action, category, label or even the event value.
Each event type supports some variables, that the plugin replace during the event triggers. For example the search instance ID, the search bar name, the search phrase – or in some cases even the result title and URL or the faceted option name and value.
Feel free to check the official documentation for even more details.