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Ajax Search Pro 4.24 Update Features

By Ernest Marcinko
November 19, 2022

Version 4.24 is a major update, focusing on performance related improvements. We added a few neat new features too.

Range Inputs Custom Field Filter

This new custom field filter type consists of two numerical input fields, for number inputs only. They support thousand separators and automatic min/max value corrections as well – which is unique to input fields, as generally this is not possible with HTML5 inputs.

Range Input Fields

Filtering Post Type Archive Pages

For now only the results page and the category archive pages were possible to filter. Version 4.24 adds support for post type archives too.

“is_post_id” custom field filter parameter

Some custom fields may store IDs to specific post objects. Filtering by these fields is problematic, as instead of the post name the post ID is displayed

We added a new parameter for the {get_values} custom field pseudo-variable. This now supports recognizing and fetching post type names instead of their IDs.

A specific example is The Events Calendar plugin, where the Organizer is stored as a custom post type ID in the organizer custom field (see Events Search and Filter Demo).

Before this feature this custom field filter would have looked like this:

Ajax Search Pro Events Calendar Organizer custom field filter without title

..after using the “is_post_id” argument however:

Ajax Search Pro Events Calendar Organizer custom field filter with title

“is_post_id” for Advanced Title and Content Fields

Similarly to the custom field filters, the is_post_id=1 argument also works with the advanced title and content fields.

For example The Events Calendar Venue and Oganizer fields would have looked like this:

Ajax Search Pro Events Calendar Venue and Organizer fields without titles

After adding the is_post_id=1 argument:

Ajax Search Pro Events Calendar Venue and Organizer fields with titles

(see Events Search and Filter Demo).


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Number formatting arguments for Advanced Title and Content Fields

Number formatting was also a greatly anticipated feature, which is now possible. Adding the type=”number” argument to the field will enable number formatting with additional arguments.

You can also set the thousand separator, number of decimal places and the decimal separator.

Ajax Search Pro content field number with thousand separator

New theme group with 3 color variations

Rounded theme group was added with three different color variations.

Ajax Search Pro Round Themes


This update focuses on asset optimization and loading method improvements. We removed the old deprecated legacy scripts, and the plugin now runs on our custom made ES6 DOM tools library specifically designed for this Ajax Search Pro.

Additionally we developed a special on-demand asset loading method, which only loads the plugin assets on pages, where the plugin shortcode is actually used. This is a huge performance improvement in comparision with the default WordPress asset loading methods, which does not allow conditional checks based on the final page output.

There is also a new on-the-fly javascript generator and loader, which combines and minifies only the neccessary javascript files based on the current page output. This means, that when using multiple search bars with different dependencies on different pages, each output is evaluated and separately for each individual page – leaving 0 overhead.


We fixed a few known issues with some page editor plugins, as well as a known issue with SG optimizer plugin.

WCAG compliance tests have been conducted and some elements have been changed. This leaves the plugin compliant with the WCAG AA level.

You can read the full changelog here.

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