Prioritizing results or group of results
Priority groups and the individual priority features allow positioning certain search results or groups of search result over others, when matched.
In the search below Offices are prioritized over any other results. Any search result belonging to the Office category will be first.
Group and Idividual Result Priorities also supported
It is possible to construct custom post type priorities based on:
- Custom fields and custom field values (both numeric and string operators). For example: Prioritizing certain results if a custom field value matches a certain string.
- Taxonomy term based rules. For example: Prioritizing results that are within/not within certain categories
These rules can be combined within one priority group as well. You can also set how the rules should be connected (at least one should match, or all should match), which search instances should it apply on, and which search phrases should it affect.
Individual post type priority rules can be also set – if you prefer showing certain results over others, without needing groups.