This changes today
We have decided to open a public development repository. This repository contains all of the now open issues (features, bugs etc..), and anyone can track them or open new ones. You can see which features/bugs are assigned to which milestone and more..
Even better, you can join our Slack channel, where you can even see the actual development commits and messages – even though the actualy project repository is private.
…but wait, there is even more.
Beta Testing
We realized that testing internally is no longer as effective as we want it to be, most issues surface during the first week of a new release.
From now, you can apply to be a beta tester.
Beta testers will be given access to a beta builds repository via github, where they can download, test and report back via the issues panel on bugs they found versus the previous version.
We are working on the details on how to effectively conduct these tests, but I guess once we start, time will tell either way.
Work in progress
I know, there had been big delays on the updates, we are sorry about that. Version 4.27 has lots of internal coding changes (refactors), including:
- Front-end scripts integration with WebPack NodeJS bundler for complete source and build independency
- Build script for development reworked, now runs on NodeJS
- The internal jQuery replacment library separated and moved to open source called DoMini – yes, this was made for Ajax Search Pro, then made open source for everyone to use
- Moving towards TypeScript – in 4.27 the back-end options interface will be separated and refactored to TypeScript for easier and faster future development
- Preparation of possible HTMX use on the new front-end filters interface
These are the first steps to make Ajax Search Pro up to date internally with modern development and build standards.