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Ajax Search Pro reached 20 000 customers

By Ernest Marcinko
May 12, 2023

Ajax Search Pro is used on over 20000 websites – this marks a great milestone and motivation for the future.

Ajax Search Pro has 20000 active users

A message from the creator

I remember, when 10 years ago I started working on this project. I was still attending university, and hoped that some day I can support myself and my family by doing what I love the best – coding. A long time have passed, and I still feel great every single day knowing I can work on my products.

To this day I am grateful for my then part time employers (Bálint, Dániel, János and Roland) for teaching me the most important aspects of this business, it was a great time. Their Universal Ajax Live Search for Joomla was the inspiration for Ajax Search Pro, I thought it was an good opportunity for the growing WordPress market and luckily I was not wrong.

After all this time, there is still so much to learn. I am a slow coder, but I am inspired to make this product better every single day.

I want to thank every customer for trusting us by buying Ajax Search Pro. Do not worry, I am working every single day on this product, as long as I can, as I did for the past 10 years.

All the best,
Ernest Marcinko

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